For over ten years the auditing firm IT AUDIT has concentrated on the risk- and process-orientated analysis of accounting-relevant information systems.
We support auditors and auditing firms in particular in performing audits where IT is used in accordance with IDW PS 330 in conjunction with the relevant inspection standards (PH 9.330.1-3, FAIT 1-4, EPS 331, PS 951).
A further focus of our activity is in inspecting and certifying software products under IDW PS 880.
Additionally, we advise companies in respect of compliance with laws and guidelines and the associated opportunities and risks. Even as early as at the stage of development, introduction, or restructuring of accounting-related information systems, we are available as an expert partner for questions regarding governance, risk & compliance.
Conversely, the "conventional" audit is not the focus of IT AUDIT.
Sector-specific focal points of our activity are:
Our work in specialist committees means we can constantly observe and shape developments in our sector and notify you as comprehensively as possible about all practice-relevant innovations. Employees of IT AUDIT are members of various issue-specific working groups and thus also participate in the further development of professional stipulations.